Thursday, 7 May 2015

Taper time

May 7, 2015.... 16 days until my first ultra marathon.  I'm racing the Sulphur Springs 50 mile trail race in Ancaster, Ontario.  Today I feel great, and really excited to race.  This changes on a daily basis depending on aches and pains, herniated lower back, and soleus' stiffer than an expired baguette.  Thanks to the wonders of physiotherapy I've been able to continue training.

Why am I doing an ultra marathon?  People ask me this all the time, and it's a tough question to answer.  I completed my first full Ironman in October 2014, then unofficially retired from amateur triathlon.  That event took me almost 12 hours but I didn't suffer.  It was challenging but at no point in the race was I completely suffering.  No vomiting, no bike crash, no blown quad or hamstring.  And I think I need this, after 11 months of training and sacrifice I didn't think it should be "easy".

After reading everything possible about Scott Jurek, Geoff Roes, Kilian Jornet, Caballo Blanco, Lazarus Lake and many other legends I realized that I needed to become an ultra runner. After 3 years in triathlon I never *loved* the bike or swim.  It was the run that I lived for, and what got me out the door in the middle of the harsh Canadian winter.  So back to my running roots, but having completed 3 marathons I knew I had to push farther.  The concept of Relentless Forward Progress really resonates with me -- moving ahead at any pace despite obstacles, pain and suffering.  Learning to projectile vomit while running, pop and tape a blood blister, and crest a monster climb despite 2 wrecked hamstrings really appeals to me for some reason.

I don't have a time goal for the 50 mile race on May 23rd.  I originally wanted to go under 10 hours however realized on a 50km training run that I would not be able to maintain the pace required to go sub-10.  Letting go of this arbitrary time goal and accepting to leave my GPS watch at home on race day is very freeing.

Now I'm excited, mainly due to the boundless energy that comes during a great taper.  Hard to hold back from training now, but I know that going into the race well rested with minimal blisters and muscle pains will be optimal.

More to come soon.  Until then I'll continue to enjoy my taper time.


  1. WOW - good for you. I can't wait to read more

  2. Welcome to the blogsphere! I cannot relate to a thing you are saying. It's like you are speaking a different language to me. But you've inspired me to get my runners on and sprint to school to pick up sophia today. Good luck on 23rd!

    1. Thanks for your comment Tanya! When i started this I thought that only I would ever read this, and perhaps Darien. I hope you guys are enjoying spring in Scotland so far!
