Monday, 15 February 2016

16 hours in Black Canyon – Lessons learned from my first 100km ultramarathon

“It hurts up to a point then it doesn’t get any worse.” – Ann Trason, ultra running legend

Prepare for anything

In my life I’ve never been the smartest, fastest or anything “est”.  However I have embraced a maniacal level of pre-race planning for ultra-running.  Since Black Canyon was my first 100k I took preparedness to a new level.  I was ready for the heat, hills, rocks and the desert, and I have the belt buckle to prove it!

Pulling cactus spikes at night out of my leg was not part of my plan but luckily that was only a minor detour.  And kudos to the wonderful volunteer who loaned me her headlamp when my drop bag didn’t show up – Darien was right, I should have carried it in my pack!  Lesson learned.

Whack a mole

Remember whack a mole?  So many good memories from Chuck E Cheese.  Well, ultra running is a lot like that, and the difference between finishing a race and DNFing (did not finish) is how well one whacks problems:  nutrition, GI issues, dehydration, electrolyte loss, cramping, blisters, chafing, etc.

At Black Canyon I whacked every mole except one.  The blister mole definitely whacked me.  I ran the final 40km of the race with blisters worsening by the step.  Just like Homer Simpson I planned to hide under a pile of coats and hoped that everything worked out.  In hindsight I should have dealt with the blisters proactively, lesson learned for next time. 

Be mindful of your thoughts young Jedi

Running down desert mountain switchbacks on loose rocks requires an immense amount of concentration.  Anything less than 100% focus means sliding off a cliff, severely twisting an ankle or running into a cactus.  When running on road I listen to music, however, while on trails I keep all focus on running.  Since moving to North Vancouver mindful running has helped me avoid bear attacks, invasive species burial sites, and certain death from plummeting off mountains. 

I would have enjoyed listening to Pantera or Slipknot during Black Canyon, however I knew this would ensure my demise.  Whenever my mind wandered I inevitably slipped on loose gravel or tripped on a boulder.  I’m shocked I didn’t wipe out as there was so much carnage, bloodied knees and severe road rash on many runners.

Relentless forward progress

In any endurance race athletes will experience highs and lows.  The lows can be crippling and it’s easy to consider dropping out of the race.  A commitment to relentless forward progress is the only thing that keep us moving towards the finish line.  At the Black Canyon km 94 aid station there was a raging fire, warm soup, hot chocolate and inviting chairs.  I thankfully realized that sitting down at that point in the race was a very bad idea. 

What Dreams May Come?

By finishing Black Canyon I earned entry into the 2017 Western States 100 mile lottery.  After running my first marathon in 2004 I swore I’d never run another.  And at multiple times during Black Canyon 100k I promised myself I would never run 100 miles.  However if I get into Western States I will definitely run this legendary 100 mile event. 

Right now I don’t feel motivated to take on another 20-week training block of 115 km running weeks with 6,000+ feet of mountain vertical.  I need to ski with Christina and the kids, drink vast amounts of craft beer and divert my energy to everything else in life other than running.  I know the mountains will pull me back in but until then I’m going to let the blisters heal and not be a runner for a while.


  1. I really liked this blog. With how fit I know you are and how much you've trained, I can see this run mostly being mental. I would have sat in that chair at the pitch black aid station and taken a nap. I wonder if anyone actually did that. Great race, loved following you (and checking the DNF list when the athlete tracker didn't update on time) on Saturday. Great race report.
